Friday, June 02, 2006

Sehwag: Is he a Sachin's look alike?

In this sketch u can see Sehwag, who is said to be a look alike of Sachin Tendulkar. However, there are differences e.g. Sachin's bat sponcer is MRF whereas Sehwag's bat sponcer is BRITANNIA

1 comment:

Debasish said...

Hey, Ankit it seems like i am the first guy here. Promote your site a bit more. Anyway, certain comments on your cartoons.
They are quite nice... you draw well but they aren't that funny. Don't take it the wrong way criticizing is all I am good at. Try getting someone else to come up with the funny lines while you stick to the doodling. Also in that department try using variable line length to give your cartoons more depth - right now they look a little too 2 dimensional. You are good at drawing faces - seems like you have been practicing that for quite some time but the bodies are a bit too thin and stick like. That's something else you might want to look into. Again, i hope you dont take this criticism the wrong way. Most importantly stay at it!